Northside Christian Church Podcast

About the show

Northside Christian Church in New Albany, Indiana, exists to connect unconnected people to Jesus Christ. This weekly podcast from Northside is the weekend teachings.

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  • Tough Love: Invites

    August 26th, 2018  |  38 mins 1 sec

    What comes to your mind when you hear the word “hope”? Why is it so powerful? This weekend, we take a look at how Jesus invited others into his Kingdom during his time on earth.

  • Tough Love: Listens

    August 19th, 2018  |  34 mins 43 secs

    In week two, we meet a guy named Nicodemus. He sets us up to live in the tension between grace and truth. He just can’t wrap his head around the Gospel. He sneaks in during the night and barrages Jesus with questions. Nicodemus is so stuck in his theological box that he just can’t seem to get it.

  • Tough Love: Grace and Truth

    August 12th, 2018  |  36 mins 56 secs

    Jesus redefines love. The toughest thing you'll do is accept Jesus grace and truth.